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LED Piano Showroom Lighting Case Study

In this case study, we explore a piano showroom that upgraded its lighting by replacing legacy T8 fluorescent bulbs with 30 modern 10-inch LED recessed downlights. After a comprehensive assessment, our team determined that these LED fixtures were ideal for the unique needs of the showroom, providing enhanced illumination that not only improves the aesthetic appeal of the pianos on display but also significantly reduces energy consumption and maintenance costs. This transition not only aligns with sustainability efforts but also enriches the customer experience by showcasing the pianos in the best possible light.

Piano Showroom Lighting Design

Here’s an example of the piano showroom photometric design constructed by our professional lighting engineers. In this example, 30 10 inch recessed downlights set at 46W, 3,500 Lumens with mount plates were used to replace 2×4 4-ft T8 fluorescent lamps that projected 3,000 lumens which produced an average of 60.4 footcandles across the inside of the showroom.

Fixture Type 1: 46W 10-Inch LED downlights
Fixture 1 Count: 30
Accessories: Mount plates
Area Dimensions: 40ftx35ftx12 ft
Ceiling Height: 12 ft
Piano Showroom Average Illumination: 60.4 fc


After the installation of the LED recessed downlights in the piano showroom, the results were exceptionally favorable. The client was thoroughly pleased with the uniformity of the illumination and the way the lights complemented the sophisticated ambiance of the showroom. The advanced 3D photometric design crafted by our lighting engineers effectively delivered the desired lighting outcomes.

The client appreciated the efficient light distribution and expressed gratitude for the professional recommendation and the comprehensive approach taken. The improved visibility and energy efficiency provided by the new LED lighting setup have significantly enhanced the overall functionality and satisfaction in the showroom operations.