About Yoke Mounting For Outdoor Fixtures
When it comes to commercial outdoor lighting, flood lights are one of the most effective options. Flood lights are highly effective due to their versatility, reliability, and resilience to harsh weather conditions. Because of this, they can be found in practically every parking lot, parking garage, gas station and outdoor lighting application requiring intense illumination in a compact package.
The yoke mount bracket allows the flood light fixture to be placed on specific areas such as the walls of a building's exterior or other flat surfaces. This provides directional lighting to enhance visibility over a specific area, resulting in improved safety and security. Yoke mounts are designed with a U-shape and attach on both sides of the flood light fixture using threaded fasteners. The fixture can pivot to an infinite number of angles to ensure the exact illumination required for the application can be achieved.
The U.S. Department of Energy describes yoke mounted flood lights in an exterior lighting study they conducted. According to the study,
“Floodlight luminaires are yoke-mounted luminaires aimed and oriented at an object or a façade. The purpose of the luminaires is to highlight a feature, enhance an architectural feature, illuminate an object, or for security purposes.” (U.S. Department of Energy, September 11, 2011 Exterior Lighting Scoping Study)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is a yoke mount?
The yoke mount is a U-shaped bracket used to mount various objects. In this application, it is used for flood lights. It attaches via threaded fasteners on both sides of the light fixture.
Q. Where are yoke mounts used?
Yoke mounts are used in flood lighting in practically every outdoor lighting application conceivable. They are by far the most versatile of all mounting options, and therefore the most popular. The most common applications are parking lots, parking garages, gas stations and the outside of commercial and retail locations.
Q. What is a yoke mount flood light?
Due to the popularity of yoke mounts for outdoor lighting, many flood lights are sold with the mount already attached to the fixture. As a result, this category of products is sometimes referred to as yoke mount flood lights.